Key Consolidated Management Indicators (Quarter)


(millions of yen)

Ordinary Income

(millions of yen)

Ordinary Income(Quarter)
Net Profit

(millions of yen)

Net Profit(Quarter)
(millions of yen)
Ordinary Income
(millions of yen)
Net Profit
(millions of yen)
Including Benefits
(millions of yen)
Total Equity

(millions of yen)

Total Equity(Quarter)
Total Assets

(millions of yen)

Total Assets(Quarter)
Net Profit Per Share


Net Profit Per Share(Quarter)
Total Equity
(millions of yen)
Total Assets
(millions of yen)
Net Profit Per Share


  1. Consumption tax is not included in Sales.
  2. Diluted net income per share is not indicated because there are no dilutive shares.