Sanyo Trading Group’s Sustainability

Basic Sustainability Policy

Sanyo Trading’s mission to fulfill is “We foster an open, down-to-earth, and entrepreneurial corporate culture that drives our collective efforts to deliver the best solutions flexibly and timely so that we can help achieve the sustainable development of the global community and fulfill employees’ aspirations for well-being”, and we have set “Deliver tangible solutions to social issues to make the world a better place for everyone” as our vision to aim for.
To accomplish the missions and realize the vision, the Sanyo Trading Group positions sustainability initiatives as an important management task.
To contribute to creating a sustainable global community as well as to achieve the growth of the company in the medium to long term, we will strive to provide solutions to social issues such as reduction of environmental impact.

Sustainability Promotion Structure

In April 2022, Sanyo Trading established the Sustainability Committee which formulates sustainability policies and initiatives of the Group and monitors their implementation.
The Sustainability Committee is chaired by an officer responsible for sustainability who is appointed by the President, and the chairperson appoints several members of the Committee who are chosen from the administrative division, business division, and departments directly under the President.
The chairperson of the Committee may request attendance from the Group companies as needed and exchange opinions with outside experts.
In principle, the Committee holds a regular meeting every three months to discuss various initiatives to address sustainability issues and confirm the progress of performance. Ad hoc committee meetings are held as needed.
The chair of the Sustainability Committee reports policies, issues, and other matters which were examined and deliberated at the committee to the Board of Directors and the Committee of Executive Officers. Important matters shall be brought to the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors supervises the process and gives instructions as needed and then discusses and makes decisions on important matters such as management policies and annual budgets, taking into consideration sustainability issues, including climate change.

*Committee members (as of June 2023): Executive officer in charge of sustainability (executive officer in charge of Administration Divisions), executive officer in charge of Business Divisions, general managers of Human Resources & General Affairs Dept., Finance & Accounting Dept., IT Promotion Dept., and Corporate Strategy Dept. (six members in total).

Value Creation Process

To contribute to the sustainable development goals, Sanyo Trading focuses on four fields to create new value.
Based on the management resources utilizing the strengths that we have cultivated over the years, we provide a wide variety of products and services by exercising business functions that meet customer needs.

Solid Financial Base

  • Specialist knowledge and expertise

    We offer professional
    teams to provide support
    in niche markets

  • One product,
    one supplier

    We have built strong
    relationships of trust with
    our business partners

  • Global bases

    We are devoting resources
    to globalization as well
    as the Japanese market

Goods and services that use our products


  • Automative
  • Construction・Bridges
  • Electricity
  • Roads
  • Books,pamphlets,etc.
  • Smartphones
  • Daily necessities/Cosmetics
  • Food products

Social and environmental value we aim to provide through our products and services

OUTCOMEFour Focus Markets

  • Fine chemicals

    Contribute to complementary technologies and environmental adaptation through stable supply of high-value-added fine chemicals to a wide range of industries

  • Mobility

    Generate added value by providing products and services anticipating the industrial structure of the 2030 and beyond

  • Sustainability

    Contribute to realizing a sustainable society by providing livestock feed that promotes renewable energy and improved food safety and quality

  • Life science

    Contribute to improving quality of life by providing products and services focused on food and medical care

Contributing to the SDGs


In July 2022, Sanyo Trading identified its Materiality, key material issues, to be addressed to increase sustained corporate value through business.
We will steadily promote initiatives in Materiality and review them appropriately based on social trends and other factors.

Resolving Social Issues through Business
Reducing the Environmental Impact

Contribute to climate change countermeasures and a circular economy by handling environment-friendly products

Providing a Fulfilling Lifestyle

Contribute to healthy, secure, and comfortable lifestyles through discovery of new products and stable supply

Strengthening the Business Base that Supports Sustainable Growth
Reinforcing Solid Management Structure

Ensure financial soundness and strengthen corporate governance and legal compliance

Active Participation of Diverse Motivated Human Resources

Develop human resources that create new value, respect their diversity, and provide them with opportunities for active participation